National Garden Clubs offers four outstanding schools. These schools are held throughout the nation. During Covid, many of them are Zoom. Once four courses are successfully completed, you become a 4 star member. When achieving master status in each, you become a five star member. Vikki Bellias, former FGCNYS President is a 5 star member. All schools are listed on the National web site.
Only one refresher can be taken for each school in one calendar year. Only
Master Consultants can take credit for more than one school at a multiple refresher.
Hop on Board Now is the time to take advantage of all NGC Schools on Zoom. Courses from NYS and ll around the country
A big thank you to Ann Dyet and her committee on successfully completing the Gardening School series in Buffalo via Zoom. Congratulations to all the students.
A big thank you to Nancy Kalieta and her committee on successfully completing the Environmental School series in Buffalo via zoom. Congratulations to all the students.
For updated forms for accredited and master judges go to gardenclub.org forms gallery and find correct forms.
Flower Show School Course I Voorheesville, NY
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